Monday, March 10, 2014

3 Years

3 years ago today, I was donating bone marrow.

36 months ago today, doctors were performing magic.

156 weeks ago today, I gave up a piece of me to save all of her.

1,095 days ago today, I gained a new family.

Charlotte is doing great! She is happy and healthy and loving school and basketball and so much more. Her hair is getting longer and she is getting taller and she is such a great big sister.

I continue to be thankful for this opportunity to stand up to cancer. To say, you will not win this battle, and you most certainly will not win this war. I continue to be thankful for the doctors and researchers and philanthropists who support and enable cancer research. I continue to be an advocate for donation and the life long gift that a little bit of pain and discomfort may bring. If one wants to change the world, it only takes one.

Be the one. Be the match.


Unknown said...

We love you so much Erin. Thank you so much for your amazing gift!!! You brought me to tears again....

Amy E.

Sherri said...

The world is a better place because you and Miss Charlotte are here to share it with all of us. I praise God that you were "the Match" and our family was joined with the Elske family. We have so much to be thankful for. I love you kiddo. Mom