Wednesday, June 22, 2011

100+ Days

Happy June!

I received some fantastic news from LGII's Aunt yesterday...she is 100+ days post transplant and is doing "MARVELOUS". She has been off steroids for a few weeks now and they continue to lower her immune suppressing meds every couple of weeks. She has really rebounded incredibly. She did say that LGII lost all her blond baby hair and she is now a brunette! It's taking some getting used to for the family. LOL. I guess that DNA is pretty strong stuff. I did warn her to watch out for an insatiable desire to travel and for some sass. That must definitely be in the DNA...where else would I have gotten it from?! :-)

In other news, life is pretty good right now. I am absolutely blissful with my life in Philly. I've been getting out a few nights a week trying new restaurants and spending quality time with friends. I have had a lot of adventures including my cousins graduation in Santa Barbara a few weeks ago and visiting with work friends in DC. I even went to the (free) National Zoo in DC and they have 7 lion cubs! That was amazing to see. I am just at such a great place in my life and much of my positive attitude stems from this opportunity to share my life and my bone marrow. I am thankful for the opportunity to be blessed by this experience and for all that God has taught and continues to teach me.

On another note...I thought I would share some books I've been reading lately. For my book club, I read a book called Cutting For Stone. It was very long, but really good. It's about African doctors and even has some transplant stories in it. I really enjoyed reading about medicine in Africa in the 60's and 70's and even the growth of live donor transplants here in the US. It was fictional, but incorporated history as well. I also read The Hunger Games trilogy, which is graphic, but beautiful. It was a super quick read and I encourage anyone who likes action to pick it up. I'm currently reading Randy Pausch's The Last Lecture. It is a book that I have wanted to read for a while, and am loving his advice and candor on the topic of living and dying. So many of us have been personally touched by cancer and I have really appreciated his outlook on life to remind me what is important in our short time here on Earth.

I plan to update again soon...Enjoy the first days of Summer!