Friday, April 8, 2011

Going Home!

LG II is being discharged from the hospital..."cancer free...healthy...and ready to have fun being a kid again!"

That was the email update I received today from her Aunt. Amazing what prayers and science can do! I am elated to hear that and so excited for both her and the family! She has been in the hospital almost every day since September 11th, that's over 200 days. And now, she get to go home, to her own bed and learn what it means to be a kid! And to think, she received her transplant 1 month ago today.

Such exciting and joyful news for a Friday! Please keep her in your prayers, but rejoice in this blessing!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

One Month Has Passed...

And my stem cells have engrafted (taken) in LG's system!

I received an email this morning from my liaison at Be The Match telling me that LG is recovering well and will hopefully be discharged from the hospital soon. This is such fantastic news! Receiving this information earlier than expected has really placed a spring in my step today and I couldn't wait to share the news with all of you who have been on this journey with me.

I hope that my words describe what a life changing and positive experience this opportunity has been for me. I have never felt more alive, supported, encouraged, and strong in my faith than I do today. I firmly believe that we all have the power to change lives and I'm thankful for the opportunity to share this experience with you and encourage you to do the same.

It is a happy happy Thursday!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Race of Life

Moral of the story...train for a 10k!

Last weekend I participated in a local 10k trail run. There were a couple reasons for this adventure: 1. It was my New Year's Resolution to complete a 10k by my 30th birthday. 2. I was hoping this run would inspire me to get back to working out/running more consistently.

Well...what I learned is that you should definitely train before a major exercise event. I also learned that there is nothing wrong with finishing last, as long as you finish. And I did. I ran the event by myself and talked myself through it. After the first mile, I was thinking, "Erin, what were you thinking? You are a crazy person!" Then I would think, "You are a healthy 29 year old woman who can do this. There is no reason you can't." I didn't stop once. I didn't sit down. I just kept walking and jogging. I kept thinking about all those who may not have the chance to accomplish this feat. I pushed myself to finish for those I hope will get the chance someday. I finished in 1 hour 46 minutes, but there is nothing wrong with finishing last.

I know I would have done better if I had more time to exercise. I know I would have done better if it was a flat course. I know I would have done better if...if...if. This is what was going through my mind after the race. But then I looked at my free arm warmers and the number 414 on my chest and I smiled to myself in my rear view mirror. You have to start somewhere. It only gets better from here.

I did have a moment during the run when I almost broke down. As I passed mile 4, the most I've ever done in a workout, I took a picture and I called my Mom. Now, it was only 7am California time, so I didn't expect her to answer, but I left her a panting voicemail notifying her of the accomplishment thus far and encouraging her to slap me from clear across the country if I ever express interest in running a 10k again. When I hung up the phone, it hit me. I always call my Mom first. She is always the first person I want to share things that happen in my life, either good or bad. What happens if a day comes when she isn't there? What if the cancer comes back? This reminded me to cherish the moments I do have to share with her and to continue to support the cancer cure efforts in every way I can.

My encouragement for you: Pick a thing on your bucket list and work towards accomplishing it. Whether you finish first or last, you will have accomplished it, and from personal experience I can guarantee that it is worth it. No one, and nothing (especially cancer) can take that away!