Friday, September 14, 2012

18 Month Check-In

Happy Fall! Isn't it lovely outside? Sleeping with the windows open and even needing a sweater at night? I absolutely love Fall!

I wanted to share some updates that have been going on for both me and Charlotte. Tuesday, September 11th marked the 2 year anniversary of Charlotte's diagnosis. And Monday, September 10th marked the 18 month anniversary of my donation. I've been emailing with Amy, keeping up on their life and the girls and I can completely understand the nervous, anxious time they've been facing as these dates have passed. It is all one can do to focus on the positive and the future, but there is always a time of butterflies waiting for test results and confirmation that the cancer is still at bay. We deal with this with my Mom as well, always around the July mark of her transplant and relapse.

Well, good news! Yesterday, Charlotte had her 3 month check-up and her blood work is just "perfect. perfect." The doctor and nurses were so happy to see her looking strong, healthy and full of energy. Little sister Molly even got in on the fun jumping up on the examination table and wanting to be checked out. Another major milestone, Charlotte started her first year of pre-school last week! She loved it and continues to enjoy going. Most days she doesn't even need a nap, so it seems her energy is returning and she really is a normal, healthy, four-year old! All of this is music to her family's ears and makes me so happy that I was able to contribute to the gift that is Charlotte!

There are some new photos and even a video of Charlotte as one of the spokespersons for Make-A-Wish Wisconsin on her blog:

As for me...last Sunday, was a brunch sponsored by Be The Match for donors and a guest. I was in Atlanta for work, but made the trip home early so that I could attend. It was wonderful to meet the staff of BTM who I have been working with and communicating with over the past 2 years. Many of the hospital staff from Hahnemann were also there, so I was able to give an update about me and share my pictures of Charlotte. It was also wonderful to meet other donors, hear about their stories, their recipients, and why they joined. Each person has such a personal and unique story and it is amazing to learn about the ways in which our lives can impact others. One woman's stem cells traveled to an international recipient. Another man learned that he donated to his childhood neighbor's second cousin now living in California. Incredible! There were two speakers; one was a cord blood recipient who received her transplant during a relapse of leukemia when she was in her early twenties. There were no matches in the database, but a cord blood donation saved her life. The second speaker was a donor who joined because of her Father's diagnosis. His brother was a match and gave him nearly 5 more years of life. He was able to see his daughter graduate college and walk her down the aisle before losing his battle this past spring. But his battle (like my Mom's) encouraged his daughter to join the registry and she donated last year to a man in his 20's, saving his life. It was a powerful morning and reinforced the opportunity and the gift that we all possess in our blood. It was a great morning at the National Constitution Center and I'm grateful to my friend Sarah for joining me.

We of course couldn't leave without having a little bit of fun...

I hope you are all well and I'm looking forward to being on the road over the next few months traveling for work and catching up with family and friends. I'll update again when I have something fun to share!
